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Cultivating Our Resilience through Empowering Family Values

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

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Who We Are​

C.O.R.E. Family Values Inc (CFVI) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. 

CFVI provides extracurricular social and emotional enrichment program designed to assist families at the individual and nuclear level.


Our goal is to help students build positive self-image by fostering an organic cultural development of academic and personal responsibility. We are a wraparound service organization seeking to facilitate the shift in focus away from traditional service-driven, problem-based approaches to behavioral management.

All children need a laptop. Not a computer, but a human laptop. Moms, Dads, Grannies and Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles - someone to hold them, read to them, teach them. Loved ones who will embrace them and pass on the experience, rituals and knowledge of a hundred previous generations. Loved ones who will pass to the next generation their expectations of them, their hopes, and their dreams.

 - Colin Powell

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Growing up in Portland, OR family has always meant so much to me. I am a country girl at heart and my predominant love language is “Acts of Service” and I have made it a point to always attempt to enhance opportunities for others whenever I can.  When first coming to the Bay Area, it was obvious something was missing for me – FAMILY, safe and supervised outside activities -- going to the snow, camping, roller skating, horseback riding and to the local fair to name a few. I made many new friends on these outings and through these connections I became known to those that looked up to me as Aunty Mary or TeeTee, creating my wonderful extended family.


Growing up, I have experienced my share of dysfunction inside and outside of my family.

Dysfunctional relationships in families are one of the major leading social, economic & health problems that affects our community today -- further leading to the erosion of family life, its history and traditions passed throughout generations. For these reasons, it was important to me to choose a Executive Program Director who possess the knowledge and will to enlighten future generations on the family experience. He has worked with youth and families for over 20 years.  C.O.R.E Family Values Inc Executive Program Director has always chosen to offer help to others who lack cohesive support, and this organization is our direct response to fill that need. The Executive Program Director and I have created a nonprofit organization that delivers the family dynamic experience -- elements that have been missing for decades -- it’s time that we bring it back.

Our Founder

Mary Wilson - Founder

Couple with Kids

Jakhari Richardson - CFVI Alumni

As a child growing up, I lacked essential parental support in areas of education and life skills. Under Tony's mentorship, I was shown examples and the characteristics of a responsible and accountable man and how men should maneuver through life to be successful and socially accepted. He is my constant! When he told me he would do something, he did. Tony also helped me build up my confidence. He has never left me from age 12 to adulthood and he's always been a phone call or text away.

I hope every young man has a "Tony" in their life or someone to advocate and support them.


Brandy Brooks - Parent

I heartily encourage taking part in the C.O.R.E. Family Values Inc programs. I took the parenting course, discovered certain areas in my life that required improvement, and I learned how to interact with my son more effectively. My son, who had fallen behind in his classes during his senior year, was able to catch up and graduate on time as a direct result of the CFVI Executive Program Director's mentoring. I had previously believed that this was impossible. Additionally, I receive greater gratitude and respect from my son.


Taysha Davidston - Mental Health Clinician for Solano County Behavioral Health

C.O.R.E. Family Values Inc Life Skills program executed by Tony Wilson is top notch! He is a fierce advocate, inspiration and mentor to underserved children and teens. He is very empathetic and provides good support to caregivers, parents and staff. I highly recommend his program.


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